The current waiting times for a first appointment in KNO Medisch Centrum are shown below. This is the average number of days from the moment you make an appointment to the moment you visit your doctor at the center. We strive for short waiting times.

If you think the waiting time is too long, you can contact us or ask your health insurer for waiting list mediation. The maximum acceptable waiting time agreed by healthcare providers and healthcare insurers (the Treeknorm) for access to the outpatient clinic and diagnostics is four weeks. The maximum acceptable waiting time for treatment is seven weeks.

The current waiting time is: 1 day

Did you know that we have walk-in consultation hours on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays?

You can drop by here between 3:00 PM and 4:30 PM if you have been referred by your GP.

It is wise to call in advance to avoid a long waiting time.